Friday, 17 December 2010

Thursday 16th Dec.....

In the early hours I get up for a wee and happen to glance at my phone on the side. There are 2 text messages from DH saying that DD is up with some kind of stomach bug. My heart sinks at the thought of her being sick without me to look after her.  DH is okay but obviously on his own looking after her and washing vomit covered sheets etc.  We exhange a few texts during the night. its a low point for me.  Luckily by late morning she is feeling better - DH goes to work as its his last day before taking a month off on hols/paternity leave and has a few things to get finished and mum comes round to look afer her.  Schools out for her now til after xmas as they wont let her back within 48 hours of sickness.  Feel better myself by lunchtime as I get a text from mum saying she has eaten soup.  Phew.

The dreaded ventflon in put in again today. Thankfully a nice doc who appears to know his stuff but even so all the veins in my hands are pretty much knackered, this one goes in my forearm. Ouch. It bruises within minutes and I keep catching it as its on the underside of my arm.

I got a new room-mate yesterday. She seems okay at first but she is happy to keep herself to herself which is fine. Her other half is a tad irritating though. He is a chav through and through - head to foot in finest adidas but worse he has a really bad cold and he is either coughing or snorting snot into the back of his throat. This is one of my pet hates. GET A BLOODY TISSUE AND BLOW YOUR NOSE I wanted to shout after several hours of his snorting.  After the usual moaning to go home every hour she is let out about 6ish. Phew. My friend B is visiting at the time and she has been reading the blog so knows how I feel about roomies and when we hear the doc saying she can go home me & B silently shout YES behind the curtains......

My registrar comes by to say that as my BP has been up and down for the last couple of days but today has been high, they are starting me on a low dose of medication to keep it at a safe level. Oh well, might as well get the full range of medical services while I am here.

Mind you only 2 hours passes by before the next one is shipped in. This girl is very nice and we chat a lot before bedtime. She has pre eclampsia and is monitored every 4 hours. Dont think she will be here long though as she is 39 weeks so I bet she will be induced in the morning. Nice to have a normal person who actually likes a chat.

Speak to my DD before she goes to bed and seems much chirpier. DH has the bathroom floor fitters in tomorrow am so is working late in the bathroom to get things done - putting the towel radiator back on the wall etc etc. He sits down about 9.30pm.

I watch a bit of TV before lights out at 11pm........

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