Wow, I have 2 followers of my blog.........Well actually I know theres a lot more of you out there reading. If you are reading then add on as a follower. Its not in the least bit stalkerish I promise and I think you might get some kind of alert when I add a new post. And it will make me feel like I am less of a saddo sitting here typing with the dodgy keyboard for 1-2 hours per day.
Its a funny day today (peculiar not ha ha). I imagine the madness that is going on outside of this hospital - town is only 10 mins walk away and I imagine that its mayhem being the last but one weekend until Christmas. I think of normal life at home - DH is with DD getting new tyres for the car, a boring yet normal activity. probably about 10% of the population are agonising over what to wear for their christmas do tonight. And many others are probably stressing over christmas family arrangements and how perfect the table arrangements/food/drink need to be for christmas lunch. None of this stuff is really important. I have always been in control of pretty much everything but in here I have had to accept that whilst I can organise some stuff, most things are out of my control. I have always chosen my DDs outfit each day and laid it out for her. Mainly for fear of DH choosing something that doesnt match or her leaving the house looking like a gypsy child. Silly really.......he has managed so well for the last 3.5 weeks without me making outfit choices hasnt he?
So when I get out of here lets hope I can maintain a bit more of a relaxed and friends around me are the most important thins, I will really try not to sweat the small stuff.
Breakfast Wendy doesnt work weekends and normally another lady works weekends but there is no sign of her today and instead its Young Boy With Nice Manners. He normally works afternoons and he looks very young, at first I thought he was on work experience but hes been here all the time I have. He always knocks my door which is open anyway and then asks if he can come in even when the curtains are open. He obviously has been brought up well but is a bit nervy at times, not suprising considering some of the sights he must see in here. He has a few extra hours this weekend he tells me when I ask.
DH comes this lunchtime with fish and chips for lunch. Yum. Still no roomie so we happily eat ourselves stupid, I havent had chips for a long time and they are lush. He is about £380 lighter after having to get 4 new tyres for his car.....lets hope it passes the MOT on Tuesday. My cars MOT ran out while Ive been in here too but he sorted that last week. Just another 2 things he has had to do along with everything else going on........he is ready for DDs party tomorrow and we discuss the very exciting shopping list that will be delivered by a couple of days before I get out of hospital. I write the list and itll take me about 2 hours to do it on this very slow system in here but at least he wont have to battle around a supermarket to get chistmas food when joe public and his dog are filling their trolleys like the shops are going to be closed for months after christmas.
Treat myself to a nap in the afternoon and then watch the x factor final......also manage to stay awake for half of Bridget Jones - the edge of reason which is v funny but give in to sleep at 11pm.
As I type this Sun am - 24 nights down, 10 to go until baby is born.......
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