Monday, 6 December 2010

Just another Manic Monday.......

Monday 6th Dec: Nothing terribly exciting about today.  The problem with having a room to myself is that there arent any wierd roomies to write about. I am sure it wont last but I am sort of glad I have a bit of privacy.  There are lots of routines in here with other stuff chucked in to make the day more interesting sometimes.

My typical day:

6am ish: awake.

7am :hot drinks come around. Text DH to say good morning.

7.30am. Wee in a bowl so the midwife can check for stuff that shouldnt be there - protein etc

8.30am breakfast Wendy comes around. Its cereal and toast or bread, butter and jam. I always without fail have weetabix, brown bread, butter and jam. creature of habit. Breakfast Wendy is always up for a chat and She now makes me a decent cup of tea in my own mug and she washes it up for me afterwards and brings it back. note to self: must get her a bottle of something to give her before I leave. So far I have learnt that she doesnt like making toast, she has angina and high cholestrol. She likes liquorice allsorts. I tell her to stay away from the coconut ones.

9-10am. Midwife on duty says hello.  I get hooked up to the baby egc for anything between 30 mins and 1 hour depending on how active he is. Blood pressure, pulse and temp all taken at this time. Ventflon thing in hand is flushed out with a saline solution to make sure its not blocked.

10am: Shower and dress. My strategy is get in the shower at this time as they have just been cleaned and those that know me know I dont like germs. In my life outside I am never far from my antibac gel. Fortunately its very clean in here, and theres antibac dispensers everywhere. That said though, I have to get in that shower first though especially as theres postnatal mums in here clutching sanitary towels the size of house bricks, you can imagine why. and if they are walking like they have lost their horse you know they are new having just pushed a baby through a hole 10cm wide and they are desperate for a shower. I can get to the shower quicker than them......enough said.

Have to get a midwife or HCA to put on surgical socks again - think 100 denier opaques with the elasticity of a million rubber bands. stops risk of dvts but not very fashionable as they comein one colour and thats navy blue.

11am: tea round.

12noon. Lunch. Food is pretty decent so thank goodness I dont starve.

1pm - 4.10pm. Almost always .Absolutely Nothing happens. Free time. I try not to nap as that means I dont sleep at night well and thats worse than being bored in the afternoon.  TV is rubbish so I dont bother even looking. I read (Alan Sugars Autobiography- early xmas pressie from dh), play on DS - current brain age 24, go on internet, chat on phone - people phone me  thank goodness, read a mag, whatever it takes to pass the time. I walk up and down the ward to get some exercise at least.

4.10pm. Deal or No Deal.  Sad but very entertining and I love it.

5pm: Evening meal. Very early but I am used to it now.

5-7pm visiting time. Hooray! I am lucky to get a visitor/s most nights but always look forward to seeing someone new too - DH and DD come 4/5 times a week.

Doctors sometimes do their rounds in the evening. They have run out of things to say to me now - its a waiting game for me I suppose, no bleeding, no pain, just waiting.

Luckily I dont mind evening TV so I watch or read. Xfactor, The apprentice are my faves and after last nights episode - Coronation street which I hadnt watched for years.

10.15pm. Drugs round by my midwife. I have a clexane injection to prevent blood clotting as I am not very active in here and another ventflon flush.

So there you go, my day. I am a proper there normality out there??????

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