Saturday, 18 December 2010

On the home straight...........

As I type this its Saturday am and for some reason have been awake since 5am.  its my 5th weekend in hospital and hopefully my last. A week today its Christmas Day.  4 more days until baby is born and I am praying for a straight forward C-Section to get him out and that we are both well enough to go home on Christmas Eve. I have already prepared myself for the fact that I may not get out on Christmas Eve though and may still be here a day or 2 afterwards. This will be hard but better to be fit and well than go home too soon. DH will have to do the ritual of carrot, mince pie and sherry for DD and have presents etc. Mum is doing the xmas dinner so they will have to eat together and then they will join me here in the afternoon.

Send me your positive thoughts and love because I really will need them if that is the case.

Anyway, less of the what ifs, Whatever happens we will cope.  I wont be on my own - I will have my son with me and some of my favourite staff are here xmas day.

Yesterday morning my nice room-mate has a raging headache and throws up before breakfast. Her BP is through the roof and I know whats coming - induction.  The doc comes round and says - I think we will induce you. See, I am getting good at this diagnosis lark. She is not taken to labour ward til the afternoon though as apparently they have a rush on.

I trot off to the eye clinic and my eyes are behaving themselves for now. More black humour between me and the consultant.......and the junior in the room observing looks quite perplexed, talk of pelvic floors, bleeding and baby stuff probably doesnt come up in the normal eye consultations she observes.  People are wierd - before I go in, I sit in the waiting room and this old dear just stares at me - I am dressed obviously but in slippers and with bandaged ventlon sticking out of arm and hospital name tag. I stare back but she wins. I want to say "want a photo, love?  I dont though and actually as I now type this, I am thinking praps she couldnt actually see me that well - It is an eye clinic after all.

See the ward manager today - aka favourite midwife.  We have a chat for a bit - she says my bump is massive, bigger than a few days ago when she saw me.  I ask her about shaving down below........I have no shame in here so fast forward if you are of sensitive nature. I havent seen my lady bits in a while as I have a huge bump in the way. But for the op, obviously need to be free of foliage other wise he will spend the first 5 mins with a hedge trimmer. Paula says they are happy to shave me before hand  but that that is a step too far. I will have to rope in the services of DH.  I tell him to bring in the bikini line hair remover from home. Date night will be interesting as its the only time he is here without DD. So - chinese takeaway followed by lady gardening - cant wait !

Lovely visit with him, DD and mum. She is over the bug and is back to herself and its a good visit.  The floor fitters came today and I see pics of the gorgeous new bathroom floor - black with silver glitter- love it.

BP has come down thanks to the pills - get in bed, nothing on TV really but do watch a bit of Graham Norton before sleep - v funny.

Another day done.

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