Friday, 31 December 2010

Room upgrade..........Thursday 23rd

Paula (fave midwife/ward manager) is on duty this morning and she comes to see me straight away. She is pleased to meet this little baby at last.  its lovely to see her too - 'on the other side'. 

My catheter is taken out and I am free to leave my bed to go for a wee.  I have to fill 3 bedpans and declare them for inspection before my bladder is deemed normal and functioning.  This isnt difficult as I am making up for lost time drinking gallons of iced water and tea, still thirsty from the nil by mouth rules of the day before.

I have my breakfast - breakfast Wendy is on duty and its good to see her too. Loving the familiarity of my 'friends' on the ward and they are loving seeing Alex in a cot instead of a huge bump in me!

Paula and a couple of pink ladies come back (HCA's) and she says, c'mon, we are moving you.  I am moved to room 7........and wait for it....its a single ensuite room. Oh the luxury is just too exciting for words. I have my OWN bathroom after 5 weeks of communal showers and loo's. It has a towel rail !  and a big window and lots of space.  Not sure if I would have got this anyway but suspect its a reward for good behaviour.......

Still no milk has come in for Alex but he is feeding okay on the colostrum at first.  The pain kicks in for me and I am limping like an old lady......sitting up from lying down is near impossible and on more than one occasion I find myself lying on my back like a stranded tortoise legs and arms unable to go anywhere. Can't reach the call bell either so I have to inch my way to the edge of the bed and roll ever so slowly over. I am also now the beholder of house brick size sanitary towels so glamour has long gone out of the window.  Fortunately though as I did not have to push this baby out, I dont walk like I have lost my horse but just like I have had my stomach muscles cut. Oh yes, thats what did happen!

I get some relief at 2pm on the drugs round and I take all the drugs on offer - hardcore liquid morphine helps the pain.

I am so excited about visiting time at 5pm. DH had already been first thing to see us both for an hour or so but then had to get back to collect DD from her sleepover at nannys.  At 5pm DD comes to meet her baby brother for the first time. Mum comes too.  It is a sight that I never thought I would see - my daughter AND my son having a cuddle.  She is delighted with him and keeps kissing him and says " I am your big sister Alex and I love you I think"   The years of sadness and longing for a baby and then later wanting another are gone. I am cured, its over , its now finished business. I can lay it to rest and we can get on with being a little family.

I feel very lucky. 

The registrar comes to see me - he is happy with BP, baby seems okay so possibly could go home tomorrow (Christmas Eve) but I am not sure I am ready, still feel so much pain and I want to get Alex feeding well.  I feel torn as I want to go home for Christmas so much but lets see what happens tomorrow.

I have a succession of visitors from the 'inside' to meet baby Alex - as each shift comes on duty I get midwives and pink ladies coming to say hello to see how I have got on.

I get a text from H - my last roomie asking how I got on, she went home yesterday on strict orders of resting.

I also meet posh bird in the corridor. She is still here - her baby in SCBU , not really poorly but struggling to feed. She thinks she will be here for a while yet.

After hours of trying in the early hours I have to give in and give him more formula as the milk hasnt come in yet but before each feed he has about 5 mins from me first before I top him up. He seems to be able to do boob and bottle withought any problem so I dont worry too much.

Time for sleep........Christmas Eve tomorrow.

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