Sunday, 5 December 2010

2nd Dec........

Mum and Mike come to visit tonight and we sort out the diary - now we know the section date, makes life a bit easier. Its DDs birthday while I am in here and make plans for that, although thankfully I booked a party which is all organised long before I came in here so can be sorted in my absence. And school hols are sorted cos Mum is off and she can stay over with her on the day the day the baby is born so dh can stay with me at the hospital as long as is needed.

I have been bought a DS which is something I thought I would never be interested in but Brain training is much needed in here even though I start with a brain age of 62. Hmmm definately some room for improvement there then.

I got a parcel delivered today which was very exciting.....from my dad and wicked stepmother.  A box full of stuff - magazines, biscuits, choc mints, a mini christmas tree, grumpy old men book. and an activity book for dd to keep her busy when she visits me.  They havent been able to visit as are quite a drive away up in the midlands and Dad has a chest infection and WS cant drive at the mo because she nearly chopped her fingers off a few weeks ago with an electric saw and still has the battle wounds

Friday 3rd is fairly uneventful, I nap in the afternoon due to the rubbish nights sleep I had the night before. Normally its not too noisy with my door shut but last night all the babies were wailing and buzzers going off all night........

19 more sleeps to go..........

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