Friday, 10 December 2010

Another little bleeder.......

In the early hours of last night I wake to hear someone being wheeled into my room. Hushed voices and talk of bleeding by the person they bring in and her other half.  Its easy to be nosy as its just a curtain separating me from the next bed.  I am sure I will find out in the morning. I cant get back to sleep though and I get heartburn big time so I go to the office and ask for Gaviscon.  It takes disgusting - aniseed only here but it works a treat and I get back to sleep.

Wake about 6.30am and when the midwife comes in to check her and offer us drinks she pulls back the curtain and introduces us.  She is normal and is very chatty so we end up talking nonstop till Breakfast Wendy shows up. She is 32 weeks and came in with a random bleed just as I did 3 weeks ago today. She actually gets discharged by mid morning though as all her checks are fine. Shame for me cos she could have been my new friend for a while (Jesus I sound like a stalker dont I ?) but obviously her consultant took a different view to mine and doesnt keep bleeders in for a min of 24 hours.

Anyway I have a good day to look forward to today - Get me, I have double visitors !  Two of my oldest friends from school - C and S are coming down from Staffordshire and Leicester respectively for a lunch date in that well known michelin starred dining destination that is known as the hospital cafeteria. They arrive just before lunch and its great to see them. They come laden with gifts and cakes, which I drop off at my bed first. We walk to the cafe which in all honestly is not bad at all and we eat and spend a couple of hours catching up. I almost forget where I am for a while and it really lifts my spirits. 

In the evening two girls from work come which is also entertaining and makes me laugh. Bless my colleagues- I get a mat leave pressie of John Lewis vouchers, countless magazines and most importantly a bag containing 6 freddo frogs.  I get all the gossip and they have a go at brain training........W gets an age of 67 (not great) and A gets 33 (almost spot on) Its the work Christmas do this saturday and will be the first one I have missed in 13 years of working for them so I make them promise to get the office facebook addict to take lots of pics and upload them so I can view the mayhem, hangover free from my bed on Sunday.

I watch the live episode of coronation street in the dayroom for a change, theres a big flat screen tv in there so I take my cheese and biscs and munch while I watch. The TV is on quite loud to drown out the babies cries (theres a few newborns on the ward today)  and lose myself in weatherfield. When Fizz goes into early labour and is wailing in pain on the tv a midwife dashes down the corridor and into the day room looking panicked. When she clocks the TV and me sitting there she laughs and relaxes. OMG she says I thought someone had gone into labour in here. I think I had better turn the telly down!

Bed at 10.30pm and i can barely keep my eyes open until the clexane jab arrives.............a good day.

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