Wednesday, 1 December 2010

18th november - a night on labour ward.....

We arrive at labour triage and am examined.  The docs want to move me to labour ward this time so I can be more closely monitored - the bleed is bad enough to be a cause for concern.

Me and dh are starving and think of those lovely lamb chops we were going to have for dinner........always thinking of our stomach even in times of stress.

He goes home as its getting late and i go to my bed in a 4 bedded room. its noisy and i remember its the same room i was in almost 5 years ago before being induced to have dd. In this room are 3 other ladies. 2 are in the early stages and one poor cow vomits every time she has a contraction. The other lady is quiet until her waters go all over the floor at 3am. Then she starts contracting too. Not the best nights sleep ever but its not a spa break is it?

In the moning a doc scans me with a mobile machine and he thinks my placenta is underneath the baby, lying low on the uterus. hmm, could this explain the bleeding?

I get some breakfast - hooray at last some food. Theres no more bleeding thankfully. I am booked for a proper scan later that morning.

I wont bore you with all the details but I have this eye condition called iritis which has given me some problems for the last 5 years or so and that morning I was due in the eye clinic to see my eye consultant.  I asked if i could still go to it as luckily the eye dept is right by the maternity unit. The midwife looked at me and said - well if you are sure, do you have anything to wear?????  hmmm - I must have looked like the walking dead having yesterdays mascara down my face, unwashed and wearing a skanky maternity nightshirt. and no sleep.   So fortunately i did have clothes and toiletry bag so after a quick clean up was acompanied by a nurse and went to my appointment. My eye cons has a very good sense of humour and she took one look at me in my creased clothes, flip flops and hospital band  not to mention dark circles under my eyes and said - Jesus Christ what happened to you ??????? At least my eyes were okay and off I shuffled back to labour ward after having my eye exam.........

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