So - the 7th November,thats when the trouble started. Had a busy week - work, shopping, took dd to the disney on ice show at the nia in birmingham - just getting on with life really. was 30 wks + 3days pregnant. felt a bit wierd in the afternoon - lower backache and heavy feeling "down there"......... Anyway being pregnant is a bit wierd so didnt think too much about it. dd went to bed, dh was upstairs watching some sci-fi wierd stuff on the tv and i was getting excited about the x-factor results show (sad i know, but don't get out much these days!)When the adverts came on i popped to loo and........OMG. Blood. a lot of it. so i stared at it at first, brain not quite believing it. stay calm i thought - looked again, no, theres loads, need to do something. I called dh, twice, he didn't come. called again, he comes and we both stare at the loo. he gets my maternity notes and rings a few midwives numbers, no-one there. so then we ring labour ward, they tell us to come in - straight away. Dh rings my mum to come and sit at the house cos dd is asleep. "try not to panic, but helen is bleeding and we need to go to hospital" hmm, try not to panic, bless my mum but i can imagine the scene of calm at her house as she takes that call!
So i am running ( well walking fast around the house) collecting a few things, change of clothes, phone, bag etc. mum arrives and we go, i am sat on a towel, dh driving. we don't say much. i am calm-ish and i feel baby moving thank god.
At maternity triage they put me on the baby ecg and all is okay. my bp is through the roof ( ok, so praps i am not as calm as i thought) but it settles and we relax a bit. .doctor comes to examine me and it seems my cervix is shortening ready for labour, bleeding a lot and he and the midwife exchange looks. she books me a bed and then they tell us that scbu is full but they will take our baby after an emergency delivery.............whoa! stop, this is a lot to take in. dh is luckily sitting down and a lovely shade of white.
i have an injection of steroid to help the babes lungs develop. the bleeding settles and they take me to the ward. dh stays a while and then goes home. its noisy - i am in with 2 new mums and babies, i drift in and out of sleep. i am checked a few times in the night, nothing else happens.
Please note that dd = darling daughter, dh = darling husband and that grammer is terrible as i am typing in hopital with 1 finger on a very temperamental on-screen keyboard.
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